1. While setting your goal, it must be specific, detailed, and clear. You need to spend time towards it in order to put them in a written form. Your goal must be concrete and tangible .The goals you set must not be too vague. Well-written goals will provide the desired result. Try to define your goals in high manner.
2. The goals must be measurable. Set your goals in a way that can be able to analyze and evaluate your progress and results in a consistent way. It must be realistic. Apply specific time period to achieve your goal. The best goals have specific deadline. They must also be monitored.
3. Know your capacity and set your goal. Try to avoid setting goal beyond your capacity because they will stretch you and mold you into a new person. Jim Rohn wisely said that "It’s not the money that makes the millionaire successful; it’s what he had to become to earn a million dollars." If you try to take the money away from that millionaire, it would make it back twice as fast as before, because he learned the skill to make it in the first place.
4. Your goals must congruent to each other. It must deals with your results and values. It must also be harmonious with each other.
5. Your goals must balance your family, financial, physical, mental, and business.
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